
Doomed from the Get-Go



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
03-03-2023, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 03-05-2023, 07:21 PM by Talyssa. Edited 1 time in total.)
ooc: this thread takes place immediately after "I'm Weak, and What's Wrong With That?"

When the final cries had ceased, and the coyotes she had pursued back to their cover had vanished out of sight, all that there were left to account for was the roaring silence between them. Talyssa stood blinking a moment, before turning around to face the carnage that littered the surrounding patch of forest. She counted three carcasses, but she knew that there were at least three more out there somewhere that had been run off. Part of her was concerned that they would regroup and return ... but after seeing what happened to their companions, perhaps not.

It seemed that the boy was in an exhausted state of his own, but as a symptom of a different origin. He was in a particularly gory state, but even she could admit that it was necessary in this instance. As the dust settled, she had the sudden realization that it was now close to dark and she knew that there was no way she'd make it back in time. But looking down to her wrist, she looked over the punctures she had obtained. The blood drained down her leg and soaked into the ivory fur. The girl came to the conclusion that it likely looked worse than it was. But she definitely thought it would be best if she could clean it before going home. So when she heard the masculine tones of the boy's voice suggesting that they go to the river, she slowly began to nod before answering. "Okay,"

The river wasn't all that far away, and when they reached the bank, she was quick to thrust her arm into the water.  Splashing it around until the white fur around her forearm turned ‘kind of’ white again. As she did so, she replayed the attack in her mind, the presentation of the carcasses they left behind. "You handled yourself well." She commented, casting a glance at him through the corner of her eyes- not entirely sure she was ready to thank him for saving her just yet.