
Don't You Forget About Me


10-21-2013, 12:31 AM

Damn it all! Damn the war! Damn Isardis and his pack! Damn Liberty for having brought his upon his family! Damn it all! It wasn't fair. Valhalla shouldn't be going to war. They were the biggest pack in all of Alacritis, but they were also peaceful. They didn't start wars with anyone; they helped others, not killed them. But Glaciem had forced their hand. They had challenged for Liberty and Chrysanthe hadn't allowed her to go so easily. Then they'd taken Gideon. And now they had his sister. When would all of this end? Rage began to bubble neath the surface of his silver pelt. Why couldn't his family just be left alone?!

His cerulean gaze would stay riveted to Meili's and the rage that was bubbling inside of him would simmer for the moment. He couldn't let those kinds of feelings fester inside of him when his little woman was in his reach. And then she would close the gap that she created, pressing her chest against his own, resting her crown atop his shoulder. Gael would wrap his chin around her neck, holding her to him, listening as she congratulated him for having been promoted to Heir. A bittersweet smile twisted his lips. I wish I didn't have to go...But I have to protect Valhalla...I have to protect you my little woman...I have to... The young Heir wouldn't release his hold on the timber woman, wanting to keep her as close as possible because this very well could be the last time he got to hold her...

And then three words that he never thought but always hoped would come from her lips reached his ears. I love you, Gael. His heart stopped. His breath caught in his throat and he froze. I love you Gael. Her words echoed in his head for what seemed forever which in reality was only a few seconds. She...She loved him. Meili loved him. She loved him! Gael would pull back in order to look his little woman straight in the face, cerulean eyes watering with unshed tears. I...I love you Meili. He finally managed to choke out, his voice thick and husky. She loved him. She really loved him. His heart slammed into his ribcage as it sped back to life. He loved Meili.

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