
uh oh spaghettios!

rexx <3



Intermediate Fighter (55)

Advanced Navigator (70)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022
03-04-2023, 07:29 PM

Rexx didn't really pay much attention to his how was perceived by others, being a Pirate and all. He was proud of the pack he was born into, though, no doubt; he was happy to be in the company of his father and siblings, all strong in their own right, pillaging packs, raiding, and drinking themselves near half-death when the occasion suited them all. He respected the Pirate King, Sparrow, and loved playing with her children, especially the funny ginger-pelted boy, Ajax. His bladed tail was the coolest tail he'd ever seen! He'd built a life there, his roots firmyl settled upon the obsidian sands so to speak. So he did have no qualms in referring to himself as a Pirate, and knowingly carried its reputation around with him. Though, he didn't think he had to be all rough-and-tough the way many sought out to be. Sure, some Pirates like his father went out of their way to bully others - but the more he grew up and considered it, it only seemed fun to bully others when there was a reason to, a cause - like someone threatening his own family and himself. This strangely colorful girl, shivering, wet, small and helpless in some ways, meant no threat to him. He didn't see a need to pick on her. And she was nice to him, too. Not scared away by his bulk or his tusks or his crystal spines, sharp and deadly as they were. He appreciated that.

As she leaned into his shoulder, taking him up on his offer, he plodded along, urging her to keep moving so they wouldn't be frozen in place. The storm billowed downwards from the plateaued crest of the Fjord, the winds picking up and howling past them. He heard her say her name was Rheum in her introduction, and as they reached the mouth of the cave he'd sought out, he tilted his head downward toward her and said in return, "Well, pleasure meeting ya, Rheum! The name's Rexx." As her cheek pressed against the thick pelt of his neck, he briefly furrowed his brow as his face felt a tad flushed. He was confused, for a moment - why was he feeling warm in the face now? She was just cold and yearning to be warm. As one wanted to be in the midst of a harrowing, frigid snowstorm. He pushed that weird flush in his cheeks aside as they made it into the cave, and he gently ushered her inside first, offering to use his burlier frame to shield her from any wayward winds.

"Well, here we are," He said. He tilted his head at her curiously, and while he couldn't do much for her ankle, he could make some light conversation. Anything to take their minds off of the storm outside. From beneath his tusks flashed a wide grin, his purple gaze matching the brightness of Rheum's coat. He was curious about her, especially with that unfamiliar tongue she'd spoken before. "I'm curious..what was that language you spoke to me before? I heard there was a secretive pack somewhere down in Auster but I dunno much at all about em. Are you from there?" It was the best guess he had to wager, but with so little information about them besides knowing they existed, he supposed he could only ask someone who'd strayed this far from her abode to garner some information. Nothing underhanded about his inquiry, though, he really did wish to get to know this girl a bit - besides, were they going to sit in awkward silence the whole storm's wake, anyway?