
you'd do anything for me




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-04-2023, 08:55 PM

Usagi knew his brother felt a bitter aftertaste, in some sense, when their brotherly bond was organically weakened by the introduction of Kunai. It wasn't a bad event; it was simply a natural occurrence. When two siblings like themselves had been by each others' sides for so long, having never split apart for very long, having a new individual in their midst - and close to Usagi in a romantic manner, at that - made their own balances shift. Less time was spent with his brother, and it made him feel all the more hurt inside. A tugging in his chest, a longing for everyone to simply get along. It was this desire he kept so tightly under wraps, never showing anything beyond a cool, stoic exterior. No doubt it was his seemingly distant demeanor that not only frustrated Kunai at times, but Kuroo as well, especially in times where displaying emotion would be all the more impactful.

But Usagi simply wasn't like that, even though he truly loved his brother to the ends of the earth and beyond.

Regret only hardens the heart, bunny, His brother said, drawing grooves in the swallet's placid sands. Usagi felt the words in reply rise in his throat, but they remained unsaid, never reaching his mouth. It's a bit late for that. My heart has been hardened to stone. So many things, especially in regards to their father, and all the turmoil leading up to it - it had only sought to further solidify whatever openness he'd possessed. He was shut-in, closed off. Memories of great horrors tucked away aside all that, further weighing down his shoulders. But he had Kuroo by his side, even if it wasn't as often as they used to be. He nodded in agreement to Roo's mentioning of them not seeing each other, knowing it was odd. It wasn't right. But what was he to do? Balancing giving his partner attention and care while also giving his brother time to spend together proved to be more of a challenge than he had ever realized. He watched the grooves form in the sand, glancing up at his brother to say, "Having never been in a relationship before, I suppose I have not perfected the balance between spending time with Kunai as well as spending time with you, along with my daily duties. But it's not an excuse. I understand it has been difficult for you as well." He really was new to this whole having-your-childhood-buddy-become-your-boyfriend thing, but unlike Kuroo's way of adapting to an awkward situation, Usagi didn't really concern himself with the idea of feeling awkward about it. He'd never really brought it up to Kunai since the trio had met - ending in somewhat of a mess - but he also couldn't control how others thought or perceived situations. He just..dealt with it somehow.

But when his brother mentioned hunting together - emphasizing the no fishing part - Usagi's steely gaze brightened. "That is a good idea, Roo," He said, and though his tone was still flat as always, his brother would surely be able to tell he was genuinely hopeful about the idea. "I'll..I'll even go fishing with you, if you'd like. Not every season, though." Typical Usagi - blunt yet somehow getting across that he did care for Kuroo's happiness. He loved his brother. So, so much.

”Speech”  ’Thought’

wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—