
It's time to raise the curtain



Intermediate Intellectual (40)

Expert Hunter (160)

3 Years
Toy size
03-04-2023, 09:01 PM

Cricket hadn't had a lot of socialisation as a younger wolf. When she failed to thrive in the same way the rest of her litter had they'd quickly stopped investing time and resources into her, which probably further contributed to her stunted growth. Before she had even hit a whole year old she had been pushed out and attempts to return had been met with teeth. She quickly realised there wasn't much point to hanging around at all. As such, she hadn't had much exposure to things like butchery and so she watched Ghoul work with rapt fascination, “Y don't use yer teeth for that? I don't have to crawl inside a little body cave to get the good bits?!” The girl was practically dancing at this point for the way her paws were tapping the ground excitedly. She hated the way she would have to go and almost drown herself after every meal so she wouldn't smell like a snack for other predators. This was practically a life changing revelation.

As the innards fell to the ground, practically still steaming, the girl dove in, noisily and messily eating up the bits others would probably leave behind. It was not a pretty sight, or a quiet one. By the time she was done, viscera coated her face and chest, her stomach even had a small bulge from the way she had absolutely gorged herself. She gave a big contented sigh and a stretch, she was definitely ready for a nap about now, and she was pretty confident this one didn't want to kill her yet. She sauntered over and curled up against the big guys hip, wrapping her paws around his shortened tail and resting her messy chin on it with a yawn. “Name's Cricket by th' way.” She finally introduced herself groggily. If he didn't stand up, she would probably start to doze in short order.


It's time to play the music, It's time to light the lights