
Testing - sorry bear



03-05-2023, 12:00 AM
The bear flailed and bellowed, and it seemed that Sanna was getting the job done. It had attempted to round on her, and rightfully so, but managed to get distracted somewhere along the way. That somewhere, she realized, was Kotori. Well, that was the someone. The somewhere happened to be the alpha having grabbed it by the chin. She didn't have time to be incredulous, despite wanting to. What an idiot, taking the thing by the face. Did he want to get hurt? That was how he'd get hurt, she was sure of it. Best to do what she could for damage while she was here.

The bear groaned, took a shaky step, and Sanna realized she'd done well to damage the creature's rear leg. It flailed, and began to stagger, catching her own leg with a great angry rear paw in the process. Still, there wasn't enough power left in the muscle to kick her off or force her away. Stagger as it would, and rage seemed to flow through the creature as he did. Excellent. Sanna snarled, plowing forward into the bear as she did. With a leap, she was upon his flank, ripping and tearing with all of her might. Blood and fur surrounding her, and she was digging deeply into the creature's back over its hip. Her teeth sunk into the little stored fat it had left from the long winter, finding easy purchase within it. If she could get deep enough, then she would be able to dig in and apply enough pressure, enough force to break the back.

Sanna can't babysit Kotori from this angle, though it's her first instinct. She viewed his overall approach as questionable, but if he'd made it this far then he could fend for himself... right? There wasn't an option other than trusting his judgement, so here she was.
