First Rule Of Fight Club...
Desponia, Ifrit, Albion, Fia Fighting Lesson
03-05-2023, 12:04 AM
He had to admit, Ricin had a point. He glanced back at his dummy, imagining now that it was a female and not a male with balls. He hadn't really thought about it before, but now he had to think of another way. It would hurt to get hit on the inner thigh, right? He raised a paw and flexed his claws, wiggling his toes as he looked from his claws to the dummy and slowly reached forward as if testing the spots that might do some pretty good damage. The belly, the inner thighs, the tendons in the ankles...all spots that would send a wolf - male or female - to the ground, he was sure. After listening to the questions he posed to everyone else, Ifrit did as he was bid and removed the gear from the straw dummy and...well, set it down. He wasn't sure where else it was supposed to go, so he piled it somewhat neatly against the dummy before nodding to the instructor and headed off to think about other things he could potentially try in a fight...and to perhaps go on a hunt.