
A Mother's Love




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-05-2023, 09:41 PM

Following the raid that they held with Valta, she had begun her rounds to check on their fighters. It had been the first time she had sat out and stayed home from such a thing and it was a reminder of the fact that in the not so distant future it would be time to hand over the reigns to her children. It was baffling to her how fast time was passing and how mature they were already. It felt like just yesterday that she was watching their twins play back when their pack was just a far flung dream. Now Elysium was firmly established here in Boreas and she and Alastor had grown their family from just the two of them to seven. As she walked across the island to where Saracyn and Avacyn had made their den, she couldn't help but look around and wonder where the future would take them. She was confident in Avacyn's ability to continue on this legacy they were building here, but she knew that before that time came there was work she needed to do first.

Ever since the day that she had presented the marriages she had attempted to arrange for their twins there had been a tension between her and her son and while she understood his issue with the arrangement she had been hesitant to approach him about it again. Avacyn had assured her that she wanted to handle all of it and had even gone to seek Albion out herself shortly after and things had seemed to settle down some after that. However, she wasn't blind and she wasn't clueless. She knew why Saracyn and Avacyn had chosen to move in together rather than Avacyn choosing a place for her and Albion without any of them having to say why. She had decided after the falling out with Saracyn that she would no longer interfere with their relationships, but she was still very much aware. Still, she didn't want any of that to come between her and her children. All of them were precious to her and the last thing she wanted was for them to shift into another major milestone for the twins without reconciling with her son.

Approaching the twin's caves, she found Saracyn in the main chamber with his sword and armor around him, clearly doing a bit of maintenance on them following the raid. She knew Avacyn was currently on her patrols which was exactly why she had decided to come here now when she knew she'd have a moment alone with him. "Saracyn," she greeted simply, but there was a soft smile on her lips and her tone had a familiar and loving warmth to it. She stopped a few feet past the entrance, waiting to see if he would welcome her in. She tried to respect her son's space and hoped maybe he would come around in his own time, but she wanted to put in the effort herself to try and bridge the gap between them as well. "Could we talk?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny