
east end boys and west end girls



Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-06-2023, 08:25 AM
Saracyn was quite openly hostile, something that Albion had not expected from him. He had said his peace, Albion was there to support Avacyn, to keep his vow, and to help her rule her kingdom. He wasn’t here as an affront to the prince before him, but as Sara spoke Albi could only feel the animosity. Despite him having none of the inverse. The Klein Prince was naturally quiet, and had already said his peace. Saracyn’s words said one thing, but Albion knew the truth to be the opposite.

”Whatever helps you sleep at night.” He shrugged as Sara claimed that he did value his family and traditions, making him a hypocrite in Albion’s eyes. ”Your actions say otherwise.” Albion was always in the camp that actions spoke louder than words, and Saracyn was obviously trying to cover his actions by screaming to the void.

”I only speak the truth,” Albion spoke as Saracyn went off on a tangent about matters he had no idea about, bringing an amused chuckle to Albion’s throat. ”You have no real argument, so you resort to insulting my family? Sounds like you’re projecting your own doubts about your lineage.” Albion returned the snicker, the red prince completely unable to get under his skin. ”The only stones cast were from you. Silly Mendacium, you know nothing about the world or the Klein name.” If Saracyn weren’t such an insufferable fool Albion would have attacked him for disparaging both Siren and Scylla. However, his affection for Ava kept him stationary. Violence wasn’t going to cure Saracyn’s stupidity. Any action he took would only reflect badly on his betrothed. Besides, Albion was far too confident in himself and his family for Sara’s words to be more than water off his back.

Albion Klein