
Teddy Bear Picnic


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
03-06-2023, 07:05 PM
While he had never been much of a hunter, he certainly had the sense to see the path that had been cut out by the large creature that came before him. The steady decline to the water's edge was damp in places, muddy in others. It made the descent into the fjord a little more treacherous than it normally would be, but It was just another tool to be used to achieve his intended result. The size of the track- the depth of the imprint- the beast he followed was most certainly a bear and a big one at that. And while he wasn't entirely sure of what was going to happen when he caught up with it, he certainly wasn't interested in a friendly conversation. He chased the high. The taste of blood. Ever since his fight with the coyotes, he craved the rush, and today he was going to satisfy the desire.

As he followed the trail of his unsuspecting victim, he came all the way to the water's edge. Breaking through the tree line with a quick panning look, his amber gaze immediately found the massive lumbering form of the grizzly bear as it appeared to be fishing just out in the water. Aresenn grit his teeth in momentary annoyance. It wasn't that he couldn't swim- he could swim just fine. But he wasn't sure how well he could swim whilst fighting for his life. Blinking in casual thought, he began searching his surroundings for a point that he could possibly lure the bear to that would give him the advantage.

( 264 / 1500 )