
Date Night

Syanna <3


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
03-06-2023, 07:45 PM

Ezra gave Syanna a grin as she mentioned her appreciation while one of her paws started trailing up and down his foreleg. He knew that look that Syanna gave him when she wanted something well enough that he was able to pick it out immediately so he was already waiting for her request when she asked him to help with dragging some drift wood up to the plains where the pack had planned to have their bonfire festival that was coming up. He chuckled and rolled his eyes a bit as she laid it on thick with her flirtatious way of getting him to help her when he already would have moved every piece of driftwood on this beach to the other side of Auster if she had really wanted it. Still, he couldn't deny how much he loved that sultry purr in her voice as she mentioned how she doubted that they would be going back until tomorrow morning, the promise in that statement making a sly grin pull at his lips. "Of course I'll help you with your driftwood, sexy," he rumbled with a chuckle, playfully dipping his muzzle to her cheek to nuzzle and tickle her right behind her jaw for a moment before pulling back with another grin and going for another swig of their wine.

As they began to finish their meal, leaving just a few berries and half a bottle of wine in front of them, Ezra slipped a foreleg around Syanna's shoulders, pulling her more into his larger frame while he playfully kissed and nibbled across her ears. While it certainly took a lot for a brute his size to get drunk, he was starting to feel some effects from their wine, that pleasant, tipsy fuzziness starting to settle over him as he continued to drink with his beautiful girlfriend. He was a very affectionate normally, but that was even more true when he had some alcohol in his system. There was little snippets of chatter and teasing while they ate and as they settled in together to finish off their wine and enough their romantic evening on the beach, Ezra started looking for more things to talk about. It would have been more than easy to just delve right into the physical side of their relationship that they loved so much, but he was trying to make an effort to do more stuff outside of that more often. "What's something about you that I don't know?" he questioned amidst their chatting and teasing, grinning as he gave her a curious look. "Any deep dark secrets or fun kinks I should know about?"

"Syanna & Ezra"