
Teddy Bear Picnic


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
03-06-2023, 07:48 PM
He could practically taste the rage that engulfed the writhing creature beneath him as it leeched out over his tongue. The sweetly metallic taste of blood flooded his mouth, and had he been given the opportunity to enjoy it, he would have. However, he still had a fight to put up as he answered the call to death. His grip along the spinal column of the bear no longer was simply an attempt at causing pain- it became the only thing that kept him out of the way of those brutal claws that couldn't quite reach him where he had managed to position himself. He gave it his own best effort to flex his own claws into the bear's thick coat to help balance himself. However, it was very difficult to maintain as the predator thrashed this way and that. Instead, he shook his head as violently as he could manage, furiously ripping into the tough flesh that protected vital organs.

It wasn't until the grizzly's attention shifted to another wolf, did he realize he was no longer alone. He managed to stay on its shoulders as it took a swipe in retaliation. But after the bear knocked the other contender aside, its attention returned to him. As the bear pushed itself to rise onto its back legs, Aresenn's entire body weight fell into the connection at his jaws. The muscles alongside the sides of his face ached with overuse, and in the moment he felt his hold slipping- he felt the bear stagger beneath him (unable to support itself on the limb that had just been decimated). He felt himself beginning to fall backward... but it wasn't him that was falling- it was the bear. In a split-second reaction, he released his hold and propelled himself away, kicking off the creature's back. The praetor boy grit his teeth as his body struck the rocky ground in aggressive fervor. What he wasn’t prepared for, was when the weight of the bear came down on his hindquarters. He snarled in a fit of rage and sudden pain as he frantically pulled himself free. Luckily the bear was dazed, roaring in its own agony at the sudden injuries to its back and destroyed leg. However, Aresenn didn't escape scot-free. A tightness in his hip forced a limp as he hauled himself out of the immediate line of fire- but he ignored it- tensing his muscles to launch himself back into the fray once at a slightly safer distance.

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