
Innocent until death




Beginner Intellectual (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

6 Years
Extra small

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze Participant
03-06-2023, 07:49 PM

Suspense was letting herself explore, they'd gotten settled, and with her mother's near-constant cajoling, she'd finally been convinced to go out and explore. A splotch of greenery on the horizon with the desert so close had caught her attention and she'd made her way there. The small oasis opened up before her and Suspense felt her breath catch in her throat. It was beautiful.

For a moment she forgot about everything, she was simply enjoying the lush vegetation. But distractability had always been one of her biggest flaws and with her eyes on the draping leaves she failed to notice the sharp bank of the lake. One minute she was moving over the roots of one of the willows and the next she was stepping into open air. A surprised shrill squeak lifted from her lungs, followed quickly by a splash as down went the tiny woman. Now Suspense wasn't a bad swimmer, she'd grown up in Abaven on the banks of the river she'd learned how to swim. But the river did not have the reeds and weeds this lake did. And when she started to paddle towards the surface she found herself held in place, her left back leg tangled deeply into the weeds holding her tight. Suspense suddenly thought about her mother then, waiting for her daughter to return home. Suspense was the last of her siblings her mother had, she couldn't do that to her! She struggled harder but found she could not easily cut herself free from her position.

Luckily for the tiny woman, her raven Tamerlane was always watching and when he noticed the woman fail to surface he immediately took wing to go and harass the first other wolf he saw into helping her, if her surprised noise and splash hadn't already drawn their attention.

"Speech" Think

Art by RoyalOverdose
[Image: U9dVjWn.png]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.

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1. Innocent until death Whistling Willows 07:49 PM, 03-06-2023 03:32 AM, 02-13-2024