
Teddy Bear Picnic


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

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Samhain 2022
03-06-2023, 08:19 PM
The Praetor boy wasn't entirely sure as to what was happening between the front of the bear, and the wolf that kept it entertained. What it all meant for him was the opportunity to continue doing further damage with his own attack. Ripping a muscle and tendons, he released momentarily only to find purchase in the bend of its leg. He sank his canines into the flesh, shaking his head to do as much damage as he possibly could in the length of time he had been given.

It was then he noticed the other boy fighting his way underneath the bear -likely in search of a killing blow. The grizzly was clearly struggling at this point, but it's claws were still sharp and it was still capable of dealing lethal blows. In order to buy his unlikely help some extra time, he released his hold to dart around the scrambling predator to its front. The grizzly shuffled its paws to try and find a way to retaliate to the wolf that had managed to find an inlet to closer combat, and when it drew back to take another swipe. Aresenn lunged- catching the bear's forearm in his jaws. The sudden crash of momentum nearly knocked him back as his canines took hold. However, the entirety of his remaining strength was greater than what the weakened bear had it's forelimb. And as it tried to withdraw its arm from his grasp, Aresenn made an effort to maintain control of it by pulling it back. With any luck, he hoped the other wolf would take advantage of the window of opportunity he had provided in turn.