
"She was screaming, so I killed her"


10-21-2013, 08:04 AM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

Ryouta was certain, that this man was a fool, her form strong as he again evaded her attack. But, it was no matter, her teeth were ready for more blood anyway. As Dexter came towards her right side of her face, his jaws scratched onto her cheek, now parallel towards him. She let him, and pushed her weight forward. The woman lifted both her paws off of the ground, in an attempt to grab him around the shoulders with their closed distance. The pain in her shoulder only fueling her rage feeling the rip of fur off of her right cheek. Her jaws splayed open to try and grab him on the back of his neck, if she could she would try to pummel him downwards. Using all of her devices to her advantage, and yet it almost seemed like he hadn't even been scratched.
The monster tightened her stomach muscles, giving up her shoulder defense in order to try and get a hold on his body. Tail flailing behind her to keep her balance as her back legs dug into the ground, eyes locked on his skin as well as narrowed. Her jaws splayed open and head lowered to get towards her target, to try and protect her face from any further damage. With back toes splayed, the insane woman crackled with anger wanting him to fall. Ryu's hackles were still raised, fur bristling with the heat.
3/3 For Dominance
Attack:; Failing to get a hold on Dexter, she has tried to pull both her paws onto his shoulders. Her jaws splayed to get a hold on his back, or the back of his neck due to their enclosed position and trying to get him to submit underneath her.

Defense:; Eyes narrowed, ears pinned to the back of her head. Back toes splayed and tail keeping level for balance. Her head slightly lowered for attack and stomach muscles also tightened. Hackles raised.

Injuries:; Half inch injury on left shoulder with ripped fur bleeding but not too serious. Scratching and tearing of fur on her right cheek near scar, irritation and small lacerations.

ooc:; sorry for this post sucking, it's like in the morning and I woke up at 4 30 xD. It was a good fight middy, I will be anticipating the results after your last post ^w^. I'm glad to have a bit of practice with Ryu.
