
Real Bears Aren't Filled With Stuffing


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
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Samhain 2022
03-07-2023, 12:24 AM
While the other boy ... performed whatever ritual he appeared to be indulging himself in, Aresenn carefully began working the skin loose from the bear's shoulder to side. It was difficult to start- the bear's flesh was really tough. But that's why he thought it would make great protection for future fights. Once he got a good part of it separated, the Praetor boy repositioned himself so he could pull a large chunk of the hide loose all at once. Once he was satisfied with the single sheet of flesh he had harvested, he pulled it away from the carcass and took it to the water. He waded out a good way with it, repetitively dunking it until the entire hide was submerged. It didn’t take long before it was completely saturated, which was when he left it to float- standing close to avoid allowing it to be carried away by the current.

After a few minutes, he returned to the bank with the scrap of would-be leather and laid it out flat- which was much easier to do now that it was entirely soaked from its time spent beneath the water. Taking a brief moment, and couple of steps back to admire it, he was quick to set to work. Using his claws, he’d rake away the layer on top where the fur was rooted. Pulling back pawfuls of brown fur with each swipe. It didn’t have to be perfect- the rest would fall out in time. But this preparation step would hopefully eliminate the rotting scent as it dried in the sun.