
Real Bears Aren't Filled With Stuffing


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (250)

Master Intellectual (244)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Rapid Poster - GoldHomebodyTeacherBest BudsDouble Master1K
Samhain 2022
03-07-2023, 09:50 AM
It seemed that he had captivated the other boy's interest, as he didn't need much more prompting ... not that he was going to get it from Aresenn if that's what he wanted. "Tear it into strips, a little bit wider than your arm." Aresenn began, demonstrating himself by giving the hide a rough measurement. It was much easier to tear now that the skin was saturated. It was more malleable and softer to form. Once he had torn two strips for himself, he passed the rest of the hide to the other boy.   He didn't wait before continuing on himself. "Put holes for your toes in one end, and fray the other end into tassels so you can secure it in place." It wasn't going to be anything fancy. Just leather wraps up his forelimbs. But it would certainly play an important role when his next fight came along.

Aresenn followed through with what he had explained- punching his claws through one end of the strip- working the holes until he could fit his toes through them .. and then a little bigger for the additional room- a detail he remembered that was worth mentioning. "Make everything bigger than you think it needs to be. When the leather dries, it will shrink."

Satisfied with his grip, he moved to the other end of the wrapping- splitting it in half and rolling each flap into a cord of sorts. They appeared to be slightly longer than necessary, but it would make them easier to secure when the time came. Once he completed his first bracer, he glanced over to the boy and his progress.  "My name is Aresenn, by the way." He said casually, introducing himself in his same careless manner.