
Fight Training! [Armada Warriors]


Young Fatalis

Intermediate Fighter (30)

Novice Hunter (25)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-07-2023, 05:20 PM
Gossamer didn't seem too put off by her admission, something she found herself feeling good about. She wanted to learn after all, and she knew pretending she knew a bunch of stuff about fighting wouldn't get her far at all. The pup gave a big nod as she explained the best way to learn was to practice. Her ears pricked forward, listening carefully as she explained some basics about defenses. Something about keeping your weight stable, and stayinglow to the ground. Tethys mimicked her motions as best as she could, finding them a bit awkward to stay in for long, but she figured in a fight you'd be moving more than standing still like this. Next she pinned her ears and tucked her tail, nodding to demonstrate understanding.

But then they were being given instructions. She was paired up with Andromeda, a yearling, versus another pup and her brother. Fun! She acknowledge her partner's smile, which implied she must be happy to be teamed up with her, and she mimicked it. "Ready!" She agreed quickly. "Lets do it."

Maybe she should be polite and let the boys start the fight, but that sounded like it'd be giving them an advantage. No thanks. Dipping a bit lower to the ground, keeping her center of gravity square and her ears tucked and trying to remember everything Gossamer had just said to them, she readied herself for a quick moment before charging. She was used to wrestling with Atreus, so instead, she charged Charlton. She came at him head on, not trying to do anything fancy, just ram her weight into him, parted jaws aiming for the scruff on his right shoulder.

Andromeda & Tethys vs Charlton & Atreus for Spar
Round 1 / ?
Age: Under 1 Year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Medium
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter

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1. Fight Training! [Armada Warriors] Soul Sand Cove 03:20 PM, 12-31-2022 06:13 AM, 11-05-2023