
Let me in, unlock the door



6 Years
10-21-2013, 09:26 AM

Unless any major issues were suddenly presented to the male, Iorwerth certainly felt it'd be far more enjoyable here than either Uroril or Ahlon. The first was of course a place he had once felt he belonged and yet had been proven wrong, if only for his own selfish desires suddenly bringing across a bitter view. Ahlon were simply far too different to what he had grown up with in Ahlon with his father. He did not know his family there and couldn't adjust to the differences within the pack. Neither would be missed, for now he'd simply look forward to living in Seracia, albeit only admitted to himself.

Perhaps it was indeed natural for the children of the current leaders to be favoured, Ahlon had in fact done the very same thing according to his cousins, one of those singled out to take over. Uroril did it with a certain strictness though, no other could be even considered as good. A poor minded son of the King would most certainly be given the title in the future as opposed to a sensible and fair wolf whose family held little importance in the ranks. Iorwerth had been cast aside, a perfectly good candidate forgotten in place for another whose personality or intelligence hadn't even yet been revealed.

"There was no pain." Iorwerth corrected her, he didn't want any sympathy nor was in right to be given to him in the first place. He certainly wasn't used to such empathy either, even if only given rather lightly. "My father had near enough abandoned me and I never got the chance to know my mother or sisters." Perhaps he should have been saddened by the way Yahir had cast him aside, though it was anger rather than upset that had fuelled him after those events. And now he had moved on, he was here in Seracia.

"What is that?" He questioned upon spotting the strange red structure, a subject change, though not on purpose. Never had he seen anything like it, certainly not up close anyway. His own world had been tucked away from the human culture and although he had come across parts of their former lives, never had he seen a barn or anything like it. It was rather intriguing really, he figured certainly not dangerous given that the pack still lived here.