
An Intense Situation

Stolas, Manea, Alastor?


Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
03-07-2023, 09:49 PM
Neither of Fiametta's parents seemed a bit surprised at the sudden appearance of a strange boy in their home. Fiametta must have told them ahead of time that he was coming, which of course made sense, since she would have had to ask their permission to have him over. Her violet dam, which her father would eventually introduce as Manea, welcomed him into their home and politely declined his offer for help. He nodded his head to her with a well mannered smile, then turned fearful eyes towards Fia's hulking black and crimson sire as he teased and made jokes about the Klein prince being their dessert du jour. Fortunately, both Fia and Manea were quick to snap back at him and cut short her father's more-than-slightly intimidating jests. Fia tried to reassure him that her father was mostly not serious, getting a chuckle from Stolas. "Oh don't worry, I kinda didn't figure he- wait... What do you mean mostly not serious?" he asked with concerned eyes turning to Fia for reassurance that his life wasn't actually in danger.

When Alastor began to set the food out for them making another joke about how Manea discouraged the eating of allies, Stolas gave a bit of a nervous chuckle and a smile, still wanting to make a good impression to his friend's parents while also trying to suss out if he really needed to be afraid. "That's good. I wouldn't make very good dessert anyway. I'm pretty lean," he remarked, gesturing down at his athletic build made up mostly of muscle with a disappointing lack of fat that a cannibal would desire. Graphite eyes dropped to the spread of food before them, and the smells rising up made the boy's mouth water. Everything looked so good! But as a guest, he would wait until his hosts had been seated and served themselves first. His parents had been very deliberate with their manners and decorum lessons. What sort of Klein would he be if he behaved like a heathen?
