
wake me up

Talon I


4 Years
10-21-2013, 09:47 AM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 09:48 AM by Talon I.)

They had been discussing whether or not Kangi would join him here, but she seemed slightly put off by the idea. Wanted to know if he'd ever considered living as a rogue. He'd been alone for a few weeks, though hidden in his family's den in Seracia, and he had hated it. Though he knew it would be different with Kangi, as she wouldn't leave him, but it still brought uncertainty and confusion to mind. So he was grateful when they both avoided the elephant in the room, content to lather one another with affection like nothing he had ever experienced. A smile was plastered on his features, an expression that seemed as though it might very well never fade.

He really didn't want to talk about Isardis. It was painful for him to think about being treated like he was a lowly thing, a freak -- and he wanted her to stay so badly that he would try to push it all aside. So he let out a soft exhalation of air, instead of further pushing the topic, and basked in her warmth. She was so cute ... he felt his heart pounding wildly in his chest as she pressed into him, and he silently prayed she might not feel it and think he was strange for getting so excited and nervous at the same time.

She became quickly excited by his question, and his expression grew wider. She wanted to spend tonight with him? Hopefully nobody would notice he was not in the pack lands, but he found it hard to believe anyone other than Euphrosyne might notice him missing at all. "I don't know if you are allowed in without meeting Isardis," he admitted somewhat sheepishly. "But we can hang out around here?" He suggested, eyes wide and hopefully as they watched her own pretty gaze. "Anyway, I don't want anyone else meeting you yet ... I want you all to myself today. You're too cute to share." He was just joking, and he giggled softly, feeling the heat rush to his face again. Hopefully he hadn't been too forward..