
The Dead Won't Die

Isa Large Predator


"Dreamer Of Improbable Dreams"


Master Fighter (435)

Master Intellectual (300)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualTeacherOverachieverDouble MasterStudentSamhain 2022
03-08-2023, 02:40 AM

The dying creature is terrifying and the purple girl has a front row seat to the rotting, walking beast. Every ounce of pain it feels is etched with deep, thick lines into every inch of its face and Andy finds that she is mesmerized by it. It charges toward her and all she can do is stare as death comes to knock at her door. Jaw hangs open, the stench that permits the area rolls her stomach as times seems to slow, stretch to the point that it stands still. Suddenly, a flash of blue appears, leaping up and latching itself onto the uninjured side of the bear’s face. Time slowly spools up, the elongated moments, jumping and leaping until reality slams home. Isa is sent flying and her words help to break the spell that Andy is under.

Jaw swiftly snaps shut and her lips purse as she gives a short, sharp whistle. Without a sound, a small, pudgy form detaches itself from a nearby snow bank and leaps on top of the rotting polar bear. Leo, the girl’s snow leopard companion, hisses in anger and begins to rip deep grooves into the back of creature. Dead skin and puss are sent flying every which way as the feline attacks. In short order, the girl releases another set of two sharp whistles and a flash of color darts among the branches of the trees. Like a well-oiled machine, Andy launches forward, closing the distance between her and the bear as Aquila appears in a flash of feathers.

The eastern goshawk flares her wings, materializing from seemingly from nowhere, and begins to strike with deadly accuracy at the rotten part of the beast’s face. Talons dig into the bear’s flesh and release puss in gross, pungent waterfalls. The hawk manages to finish detaching the dead eye from its socket, sending the orb flying into the snow. It roars in pain, shaking the world with its fury and hate… and Andy is there to answer. Fear drives her on, not of the bear or for herself but for Isa’s safety. She tucks her chin and enters the polar bear’s space, black kudu horns aimed up and forward.

Partially blind and in an incredible amount of pain, the ursine does not see the lavender pup until it is too late. Purple head snaps up as the girl sends her kudu horns upward and buries them deep into the neck of the beast. She hits the artery that hides underneath and nicks the windpipe, causing a gurgling roar to fill the air. Death comes for the beast and, even though it is dying, the creature’s natural instinct to fight. Seeing the danger, Andy rips her horns out, giving a short whistle to tell her companions to back off and get out of the polar bear’s way. The girl darts out and away from the bear, pale blue eyes meeting Isa’s aqua gaze for the briefest of moments.

Relief floods her system at the sight of the woman, seemingly unharmed, and a relieved grin begins to pull at her lips. Yet, just when the girl thinks everything will be alright, she notices the fear that flashes across her friend’s face. The grin drops as worry pulls at her features, dread dropping a heavy weight in her stomach as she thinks that Isa is harboring a hidden injury. However, the fear becomes abundantly clear as she feels sharp claws catch her right hip. The bear has lunged toward her, swiping at her retreating hind end and hitting her in its dying rage.

The momentum sweeps her off her paws and sends her sideways as the lavender girl careens through the snow and over the thick roots of a nearby trees. Pain sheers her brain as her body rolls, blood painting the melting snow like some macabre painting as she passes. With a small ‘thunk’, Andy’s body comes to stop against a gnarled root, hot blood seeping into the snow and helping it melt around her hip. She is dazed and the world is spinning so the lavender girl decides to ride out the storm on her side while she attempts to figure out what she did wrong.

WC: 702
Total WC: 1833 / 1500

"Andromeda Fatalis"

Andy has an Eastern Chanting Goshawk named Aquila and two Snow Leopards named Leo and Gemini. They are always nearby.