
Testing - sorry bear



03-08-2023, 08:39 AM
The pair had full control over the situation. It was a coordinated effort, despite being a large undertaking. Large bear, large undertaking-- so it goes. Sanna clamored up the creature's side, and clutched the creature with shaky paws. An awkward position, but one that would ultimately pay off. Using her back legs as leverage, the creature force herself forward and up. It was here that she had it-- she really, really had it.

Her teeth sunk into the bear's neck. They ground down, and then she yanked back, taking a large section of flesh and hair with her. The blood was immense. She'd hit a major artery, and blood flowed with fervor from the wound. It coated the green and pale creature, running down her face. The bear let go a great, wild noise, flailing once and only once. That flail lead to a crash forward before crumpling and going still. There was no more movement from him.

Sanna pulled herself away from the carcass, wiping the blood from her eyes. Her gaze landed on Kotori, assessing, appraising. "Are you injured?" Her tone was breezy, businesslike. She'd managed to catch her breath, now she had to make sure that her partner was in one piece.
