
I Feel It Everyday



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (215)

Advanced Healer (75)

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-09-2023, 09:46 AM
Vanille was quiet as Arc had spoken his piece. She almost went to speak out in response to the way he was feeling, but then he continued to open up to her. All of that was perfect to her. She really did rely on him emotionally and she was more than happy to see just how honest they could be with each other. She would do the same.

"I've been scared... a couple times." A little confession, not anything that had been holding her down. She knew she wouldn't really have to explain why. Arc had known she had been alone for a long while before they met, so to say she had never done anything like that before wouldn't even need to be spoken she assumed. Same with what she would say next, but it felt like it needed to be said. Like it couldn't be said enough because he knew. "I care a lot for you too Arc." She shone a grin up towards him as her head gently rubbed into the inside of his foreleg in affection. She couldn't pin point exactly why she was scared though. The feeling, maybe wondering what could change between them had they continued on. But Arc telling her that there was no one else he'd want to move even a step beyond and have a family with, it was more solidifying to her than she could tell him. She didn't like to act overly clingy or emotional, but the truth was that she was that way. She was good at keeping at least the harder emotions away. She did focus on the good because her past, and his too had a lot of harsh roads along the way.

She had kept still through the time he had spoken, her paws gently kneading into his fur every once in a while but otherwise just giving him her full attention. Honestly, she wouldn't think that the way he spoke, and what he opened up to her about was difficult for him. Not that it was an easy subject, but he did show her that talking to her about it wasn't so difficult. She could feel the same with him now. "I don't know much about my father." It wasn't very hard for her to talk about not only because she was fully comfortable with Arc but because it was something she had come to terms with at a very young age. "My mother never spoke badly about him just that he wasn't ready for me." Maybe not exactly Arc's own childhood, but she could relate to not wanting to jump into the depths of family life so quickly. "I'm glad you found me though Arcturus." He had given her more than she imagined or expected. She didn't have a bar set high, but she knew Arc was a good man.

"Arc & Vanille"