
Our Bloodstained Fairytale

Lurid ♡



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

7 Years
Dire wolf

03-09-2023, 02:41 AM (This post was last modified: 03-09-2023, 02:46 AM by Requiem. Edited 2 times in total.)
R equiem had grown deeply content with how his life had been shaping up since his return to Lurid's side. In the aftermath of her victory in the west and the claiming of the ancient ship as the new palace for Mirovis, the crimson brindled brute's days were filled with assisting his Blodreina to firmly establish and secure her hold on the land, preparing the rise of the new Mirovis empire and the resurrection of the Amarix dynasty. Day after day, more of her family returned to join her, falling into the fold of her reign with pride and enthusiasm. Requiem was now thoroughly enjoying all of the pleasures, perks, and luxuries that came with romancing the heir to the Amarix throne, pleasures he had once thought only attainable in his wildest dreams. Now he woke up every morning in Lurid's bed, the ethereal queen sleeping soundly in his arms, spent his time at her side assessing and during up their defenses, making preparations and plans with her for the inevitable expansion of their lands, and then ending their days with long nights of heated passion. Yeah, he could really get used to this...

O n this particular morning, Requiem had gotten up early, well before the sun broke over the eastern horizon. Extricating himself from Lurid's side while she slept warm and snug was not an easy thing to do, but he had plans on his mind. The assassin slipped out of the ship like a wraith, silently disappearing into the darkness. Where had he gone in the middle of the night? Hunting. But not just for any kind of prey. Requiem was hunting Lurid's favorite prey. He eventually found his quarry in the form of two wolves—young and in their primes—sound asleep in a makeshift den just west of the Antiox in the Red Forest. They could have been lovers or mates themselves, perhaps just friends out traveling together. That mattered little to the red devil as he stalked inside and ended their lives. He killed the brute first, crushing his windpipe in his jaws until the male stopped kicking and thrashing.

T he gurgling death rattle he let out through the gaping wound in his throat alerted his partner however, and Requiem had to be swift to snuff the panicking fae before she fled. To her credit, she had tried to fight back, but he easily overpowered her with his greater size and strength. She made it tricky for him to kill her with a quick bite to the neck, so instead he had to settle for the slower method of choking her to death, giant paws pressing down hard on her neck while she struggled and fought for air, gasping and gagging beneath him. There was little emotion beyond manic delight in the red brute's eyes while he watched the life leave hers. When both wolves were dead, he removed his hunting knife from his bandolier and proceeded to carve out the hearts of his victims, using his seasoned medical and anatomical knowledge to perfectly extract both organs without damage. He collapsed the den in on his way out, burying the bodies and hiding the evidence before making his way back to the ship with his prizes.

R equiem snuck back into the Antiox before dawn, stashed away the two lupine hearts in the old fridges in ship's galley, and then cleaned himself up before slipping back into bed with Lurid. The devil snuggled right up to his goddess, wrapping her up in his forelegs once more and settling back into sleep as if he had never been gone. Lurid would be in for quite the surprise treat later that night.

- time skip -

E vening descended over Boreas. Though the days grew longer and milder with the turning of spring, the north was still chilly enough to require fires for additional warmth during the nights. Requiem was making the final preparations for his evening with Lurid. Another productive day of getting Mirovis set up had come and gone, and while his beloved was seeing to some final things with her family, the future Haihefa was putting the finishing touches on a surprise of his own. Tonight he had a very important matter he wished to discuss with his Blodreina and he wanted everything to be just right for when they did. This was his way of showing his devotion to Lurid, showcasing just how well he knew her from the years he'd been graced with her in his life.

T heir quarters were warm and lit by a gentle flickering glow from the fireplace. The bed had fresh and luxurious furs spread out across it, many of them pelts from wolves that had been past meals for the Amarix queen. A bottle of the same bittersweet red Bordeaux that had been the key to his and Lurid's first time making love sat beside the pelts in front of the glowing fireplace, and with it on a silver plate sat the two raw wolf hearts. He might have been a cold and vicious assassin, but for Lurid he was a hopeless romantic. With the last of his preparations in place, Requiem lay down across the furs in front of the fire and waited for the love of his life to come join him.

"Requiem" | "Latin"

Warning: Requiem is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.