
Space to Run



7 Years
10-21-2013, 01:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

In what felt like no time at all, the pups were growing. Each day they made a new accomplishment it seemed, from getting their wobbly movements more under their own control, opening their eyes to see the world, and beginning to say their first words. The russet and black she-wolf could hardly describe the joy and pride she felt as she watched the pair progress, often stunned into silence by their strong wills and determination. And certainly they had the incentive. Nako was proving to be a very interesting older brother, curious of the youngsters and helpful in his own right though flaunting what little authority he had by age. It still surprised Tahlia how immediately at home he felt, how willing he was to find that niche for him in their household, and it only made her liking for him grow.

The growth and incentive definitely came with a price, however. The children were up and moving now, turning the den from a quiet nursery to a much too small playpen. And with Nako free to come and go as he pleased, Anais and Jakart were finally starting to realize their confinement. She could tell they were growing restless, eager to start their journey into the wide world beyond the den, and she had waited as long as she could. There was simply no more keeping them inside; they needed the extra space to run.

"Very well," she had murmured, her tone almost grudgingly conceding as she shook her head slightly, "You may go. But do try not to wander too far. I would like for you to be presented to the pack, not stumbled upon. And I will be watching." But she was unsure they heard the last part. Being overeager pups, she was sure they had already stopped listening after "you may go." She sighed quietly to herself as she stepped outside of the den and sat down there at the entrance, being true to her word about watching them. Already she could tell she was going to have her paws full with this lot. But despite her worries regarding their upbringing, she would not have traded it for the world.