
Stopping to sip the red wine


10-21-2013, 04:21 PM

The sweetness of the blood was nearly too much for him to bear. Since he had been off of killing for some time, for all that he was forth, in all his pathetic loses. His tongue quivered with the taste mixed with the flesh, someone as simple as she could never understand the way he felt. The way it felt to be in power, it was nothing to make light of, as she struggled Oddity nearly thought he would lose it. A wonderful feeling was growing within his body, to make his king proud, and without remorse, he did not regret not feeling that. It made it much easier to do the things he did, because he had no sense to care about the well being of another if he was doing them wrong. His powerful paws dragging her like some sort of monster out of a nightmare. Glowing different colored orbs watching as the Glaciem territory was not far off. Tail flicking behind him as he made the effort to drag her.
Her struggling only did make it worse, the flesh that tore. Her screams were only that much more sweet to his ears. It was a clear fact that he was evil as he could be, and kindness was a word he used simply for those he cared about with his intentions. To please, in order to survive, in order to impress, and get what he wanted. Until he was strong enough to take what he wanted, that was the gist of it. Oddity's tail flickered left and right as he dropped the lady across the borders of Glaciem. She was within their grasp, and she wouldn't escape, not unless someone stronger came to save her that was for certain.
His tall body stood over her, lowering his head towards her small frame. A small push of air came from his lips onto her face. His two different colored eyes looking at her in a devilish way. "If you try to run it'll only hurt more my little deer. Try to relax, and you can avoid anything else hurting you." Oddity whispered, his tones just something that he never thought he'd hear out of his mouth. Honestly it was a fun game he couldn't stop playing, and probably he never would. If it was one thing he enjoyed, it was the game of murder.
