
Dirt Dance Floor



Ars Goetia

Expert Fighter (143)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - BisexualSnake EyesOoh La LaCritical Fail!
03-11-2023, 04:02 PM

Stolas had never stayed overnight in another pack before. The most he’d ever been away from home was camping just outside the borders of Ashen when he went stargazing, but even that had been nearby and just a single night. Not that being away from home bothered him or anything, it was just a new and strange experience for the young man. The Mendaciums had been more than hospitable to him and welcomed him graciously into their home (barring the mild hopefully joking threats Alastor had made against his life) so he didn’t feel uncomfortable accepting the guest den they provided for him. The den itself was spacious and warm, decorated with plush and luxurious furs. The Mendacium family certainly knew how to take care of their guests it seemed!

After he had parted ways from Fiametta that night, Stolas had crashed right into a deep sleep, a combination of the incredibly comfortable bedding and being worn out from the day of traveling and fighting coyotes taking its toll on him. Being that his family was usually mostly nocturnal, it was uncommon for Stolas to sleep so soundly through the night, but this time he slept like a baby. When he woke to the morning sun the next day, the young brute gave a long stretch of his limber body with a grateful groan, stepping out into the cool early spring morning. The northern air was crisp and felt good on his coat and in his lungs.

Blinking the last of the sleep bleariness from his gray eyes, Stolas meandered his way down to the lake, padding up to the edge of the crystal clear water and quenching his thirst with a long drink. Fia’s voice greeting him while he drank pulled his attention up to regard his friend with a warm smile.  "Good morning," he greeted her in return, his tail giving a slight wag to show his joy to see her. As was her way, Fiametta led him away from the lake without another word. She might have been taciturn but that had never bothered Stolas. They only went a few paces away from the lake before Fia was complimenting him for his performance against the coyotes yesterday. "Oh! Uh, thanks," he replied with a little proud smile. "You were pretty good yourself too. But I kinda already figured you would be." Also a bit of a compliment from him as well.

Much to his surprise, Fia asked if he would be up for a morning spar. Stolas blinked a couple of times while his brain caught up to him. It was still early enough in the morning that there were scant few wolves up from the pack, so he supposed if he made a huge fool of himself at least he'd only embarrass himself in front of Fiametta. He hadn't had an official spar since he was a young pup training with his father and aunt, but he also didn't want to refuse and disappoint his friend. "Sure, I suppose I could show you what I know." Stolas took a couple of steps to put space between himself and Fiametta, the crimson star-speckled brute assuming his light and limber fighting stance opposite of the flame-marked fae. When he was set his his paws braced and muscles tensed, he waited for Fia to get herself ready and face off against him. "Ladies first." He was offering her the opening move. His fighting style was much more focused on defense and agility anyway and would serve him better to respond than to open the fight.

WC: 596
Total: 1005 / 1500

"Fiametta & Stolas"