
Saving the damsel in distress



Master Fighter (340)

Master Hunter (330)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

An icon representing the specialty Mangler Mangler

5 Years
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OverachieverSamhain 2022Double MasterThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-11-2023, 11:37 PM

Kotori had learned the stranger's name was Ochitsuki right before she had passed out.  Did he need to get her a real healer or did she just need time to rest? Kotori had decided regardless it was time to move her to a safer location.  Kotori had Splash help get her on his back as gently as possible.  Kotori was sure he could have got her on but a rough tossing about wasn’t what she needed now.  Once she’d been put on his back Fang had even hopped, the little mongoose hands trying to keep her face well balanced as Kotori carried her back to pack land, noticing the light of day was starting to grow darker as the shadows of dusk were starting to creep its tendrils upon the land.

Kotori stopped at the base of the falls, near a wide pool where the water was hardly more than a puddle in height currently.  Again he had his companions help to lay her down more gently.  The white and black that mingled in her coat was a perfect sort of pattern and the parts he had cleaned off in what proved silky, fur that had been well cared for.  It wouldn’t have killed her had there been a bit more bouncing but Kotori found himself wanting to cause her no more pain than necessary.

He had wrapped bandages about the gash over her eye but as he gazed down at her face Kotori decided he’d have one of his healers bring something to help her heal faster and not leave a bad scar.  She wasn’t a member of the pack but it all went to there being something about a lady in distress.  He didn’t know her blood but surely she wasn’t of common stock?  There was something in the way her body curved, the contours of the jaws, and the set of her ears that spoke of better than some random wolf.  Well, he’d learn that later for now she got the treatment of assumed high-born.  

She was now safe on Valta land and if she woke up with the strength to move she’d be able to have a proper bath in a bit of water to rid herself of the remaining sand and salt.  He’d done what he could with a bucket of fresh water and cloths but this would be far better.  Kotori lay down next to her with his head facing the side of her head.  She would get help from one of his healers but after he got to talk with her some more unless she started to show signs of worsening.  Ochitsuki…Ochi.  What was her story?

"Kotori Fatalis"

[Image: HMmbDEu.png]

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1. Saving the damsel in distress Sunset Falls 11:37 PM, 03-11-2023 05:16 AM, 10-31-2023