
It ain't the speakers that bump hearts it's our hearts that make the beat

Pack Meeting



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
03-12-2023, 07:31 PM

It was time to call together the members of Ethne for a meeting. Bellamy wasn’t even sure if her members had all met with each other yet, or if they were passing ships in the same territory. There were changes that needed to be made and, hopefully, they would all be for the better. There were things she needed to share with her pack as their Leader and bring them up to speed. Promotions. Talk of activities, setting in expectations, the vision and endeavors that would be placed forward for Ethne’s futures. The pending plans for the pack with The Hollows and Elysium. Man… she felt tired already just thinking about all of that. She was still running around often, perhaps more than she needed to, but as time went by without another incident Bellamy found herself able to lower her guard just a little… and perhaps, if she actually listened to her mate, her Advisor, as she should have been all along, they could get things moving in the right direction.

Ethne was small, yes, but they were here. They existed, and they could climb up and become something greater than what they were now. Would they be the sort to conquer and expand their lands that way? No, never. But Bellamy wanted them to be self-sufficient, and ready for when trouble came. She was but one wolf, and while she would gladly do everything in her power to do everything for her pack, the fact of the matter was she couldn’t do it alone. A pack was not just the presence of the alpha. So it was time to express expectations, but keep them reasonable. There would be a lot to go over, and she hoped the pack would be able to bear with her.

Bellamy had picked a location near the falls in an open, grassy area where her members should be able to sit comfortably. There was no rock or stump to sit on - nothing but level ground. That was on purpose. They were equals here. All members would have the same expectations as any other. The woman’s gaze pulled to the flowers around her paws. The pack had… had been a blessing. Lazuli Falls had very quickly come to feel like home. Taking a breath the woman tipped her head back and called for her members.

…and after this meeting? She was going to take a much needed nap.


Mandatory for all current members. If you are having a time with life / are on absence just reach out to let me know. I can definitely be flexible because I know how life can be! If need be we'll work out an IC reason your character isn't present. Appreciate all of you! Trying to give folks plenty of time to post so I would like to ask for all members to be present for round one no later than 3/27!

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.