
I tried to fight it, but your so magnetic



Advanced Healer (85)

Advanced Navigator (90)

4 Years
Extra small

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-12-2023, 09:26 PM

He hadn’t left her, just as he gave his word. Lucette’s sleep started uneasy, waking a couple times to ensure that Bae-Syl was indeed still there before she settled back down again. She finally managed to get through the night, the last few hours, reassured that he wouldn’t leave, being almost peaceful as she lay curled up to him. Luce had missed him, missed their time together terribly. It had felt like a huge part of herself was missing and now that Bae was back she felt a pressure relieved from her heart. When Lucy woke that morning she was a bit hesitant to even let Bae go hunting for them, a whine escaping her, and she watched him disappear with hopes and prayers that he would come back. That he wouldn’t suddenly break his word in an effort to try and protect her. She didn’t want protection, per sae… she wanted Bae-Syl…

It was then, and only then, that she’d slip away to find her mother. And… what a state Bellamy was in. Two of the most important wolves in her life and they were struggling with their minds. In different ways, sure, but was it really so different in the end? The fact that a tiger had almost made off with her sister had made Lucette’s stomach churn. She… she had been so detached that she hadn’t known about that. And her mom, rather than ask for help, had been trying to do everything on her own. Bellamy had stopped eating as much - it was clear by the weight she had lost. The woman looked exhausted, bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. It was almost enough to make Lucette hesitant to reach out to her about Bae… but she also felt like it was necessary. If she could convince Bae that keeping an eye on things would protect her as well as the pack, then maybe his efforts could take some of the pressure off her mom. It’d be risky though… Dammit, what was the right move?

Lucette was torn, more torn than she’d ever been. A sigh left her as she made her way back toward Bae-Syl, where he’d likely be waiting at the borders… her mother promised to not be far behind. Worry gnawed at her. She had to be strong for them both. Drawing in a breath she did her best to draw from that confidence she had when she was younger, when she and Bae-Syl were traveling around just the two of them. It would be fine. Things were going to work out. They were strong, and she would hold them together. Somehow, some way.

Soon Bae would come into view and Lucette would quicken her step. The worry she had been feeling was masked, a small smile on her face. Her tail wagged behind her at the sight of the rainbow-marked man. She wouldn’t stop until she reached his side, snuggling up close to him. Then came Bae-Syl’s howl. He was ready, and she was too. “I met with mom briefly,” She told him. “She… looks a little rough right now… but I promise everything is going to be fine, Bae…” Words to reassure him as well as herself. She could fill him in on why Bells was in the state she was in later. Right now they just needed the meeting to happen.

"Talk, 'Think.'
Lucette has two companions - a kodkod and a saw-scaled viper. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

Bae-Syl, as Lucette's bestie, guardian, and mate is welcome to invade her threads at any time regardless of how they are marked.