
What Peculiar Neighbors we Have



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Navigator (244)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

2 Years

Critical Attack!Double MasterStudentSamhain 20221K
03-13-2023, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-13-2023, 05:59 PM by Talyssa. Edited 1 time in total.)

There was something empowering behind the idea that the worst could happen was refusal. It gave her credence in a potential situation that she previously lacked confidence in only a few moments ago. With the recognition illuminating her features, she offered her father a grin before answering in a musing tone. “If I ever meet him again, then I will ask and see what he says.” Talyssa vowed. Of course, she wouldn’t seek Tojo-kai out. But maybe one day her path would cross Hatori’s once more, and then she could attempt to get further explanation.

It seemed that there might have been more weight on her father’s mind than he led on, brought on by further exchange of the stranger- and it seemed that the concern in his brow only grew more defined as the conversation went on. Or maybe she was just imagining it. It was difficult to tell. However, when he included her in his mention of morals that carried their family as a whole, it made her feel less guilty. If it was in her nature- a nature she inherited from her blood- it couldn’t have been all bad. Followed by her sire’s encouragement of her sudden spark of righteousness, she found it a bit easier to not be so regretful of how things transpired on the beach with the morbid stranger. The things she felt, she felt them for the right reasons. Her own personal intentions had been true. Sadly, that wasn’t the only thing that need to be taken into consideration, and she knew her father was right.

Talyssa knew she wasn’t much of a fighter, but she could run. That had always been her plan in the event things got too heated. But she didn’t know if now was a good time to offer that information. She didn’t think he was looking for excuses or explanations in their discussion. So she relented in sharing that last bit, nodding along as the Aegis spoke. The promise- the reassurance that she would be more cautious and wouldn’t hesitate to call for help seemed to have been the key for relief to some of the heaviness that had accumulated from the sentiment behind their words. “I’ll be safe … and I would never make a not-smart decision on purpose.” Talyssa reassured with child-like conviction, answering his own affectionate smile with a slightly more playful one of her own.

Taly leaned into the touch on her forehead, eye clenched tight as she pushed back every so slightly into the comforting gesture. “I know you would.” The girl answered, not entirely knowing for sure just how true that statement was. When it came to the answer of the promise she asked in turn, she couldn’t help the brief rapture of excitement that overwhelmed her- from the twinkle to her gaze, and the sway of her tail against the ground behind her. She would make a point to come seeking out more of these talks as time went on. As her interests grew in the topics of history and relations, she knew that her father would be one of her greatest resources, and she was all too eager to take advantage of his wisdom. Her mind raced as to what their next topic might be, but that train of thought was interrupted by the kiss that was placed just above her brows. The tones of the Carpathian language that echoed between them simply sealed the end of their moment- she was compelled to attempt a response of her own … even if didn’t sound quite as smooth as her father’s. Și eu... te iubesc, Tati." She paused for a moment before lightly shaking her head. “No, that’s a lot to process for one evening.” She finally answered. “But I’ll come prepared for next time!” but quickly interjected, reaching forward into a deep stretch before rising to her paws.