
a better day (not really)



"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
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Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
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How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
03-13-2023, 10:23 PM

He didn't look good at all and he equally didn't sound good, either. She could hear the wheezing and raspiness in his throat, and she watched quietly for quite a bit, head tilted, as a coughing fit took over him. She watched as he spits up green phlegm onto the ground, and her head would tilt the other way as she looked at it. It might've been gross for others, but she was used to gross things, and to date, this wasn't the grossest thing she'd seen. He looked like he was hurting a lot from the pain, and she was sure that his coughing fit just made it all so much worse. She turned around and rummaged through the supplies she had brought with her, an ear cocked back as he spoke. She didn't know if he knew where he was or if he knew what was going on. He had been unconscious for a while now, and during that time she had done her best to make sure he didn't die on her. It would be a shame for that to happen, the cow-like boy had been growing on her every time she whooped his ass in a fight.

"Where's my mother now?" She didn't turn around right away to answer. Instead, she pulled out a jar of honey that her wolverine companion had collected before quickly shuffling past Macabre for a moment and went just outside the den where Umbra waited with a small fire. Tea was boiled in a battered old tin pot that had been found in the scraps of Veteran's Plateau. Together, her companions carefully lifted it off the fire and poured some of the tea into a roughly carved wooden bowl where Medusa then added some of the honey to it. She motioned for Nox to bring it inside as she heard Macabre's other question.

She was considering how to answer the first still but decided she ought to just tell him the truth. Returning to her patient, she looked him straight in the eye (pun intended) as she spoke. "Recluse ran away to hide with the pups. She has not come back for any of you." She looked away as she moved to rummage through her supplies again and left room for Nox to place the bowl of tea near Macabre."Drink this too when it's cooled a bit. Mullein tea with honey, it'll help ease your cough and loosen that nasty mucus you've got stuffed in you." Nox grunted, "And stay hydrated!" he ordered before shuffling back out to sit by the fire. Medusa pulled out a bunch of elderberries and a couple of purple-looking daisy heads (echinacea flowers). She turned and dropped the flowers into the tea bowl and put the elderberries next to it before looking at him with a grin. "This will help you feel better, and Medusa also has things for pain. Ghoul and Widow are here, Medusa is healing them like she is doing with you. She doesn't know which one is Ichor or...Viscera, but one is here and the other one ran away somewhere. Don't worry though, Medusa will find the ones that ran! The other ones that are here are Misery and Eraithus." She tapped her paws on the ground, letting him process what she'd said before she started working some more.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: