
Freaky Friday

Naked Tel is naked



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-13-2023, 11:51 PM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

She was beside herself, this was a given. She didn't know what happened or why, or how, but she had no idea how to cope and deal with it. Thankfully, Ardyn was here (even though part of her wished he wasn't so she could save herself the embarrassment), but he wasn't laughing or making fun of her predicament. Instead, he suggested things to help her get through it, and for that she was grateful. She was grateful for the warmth of the cloak he had tossed over the both of them and she pressed close to him, taking in the warmth of his body as she tried to regain control of herself. This was the worst possible time for this to happen! Winter was coming soon, how was she going to manage without the natural warmth of her fur!?

“Maybe mom can help you figure out what to do. I think… that for now, we can ask Eramaya for a balm for your skin to keep it from getting chapped by the cold until your hair grows back. And we can make a lined coat to help you stay warm. You can bunk with me overnights, as well. How does that sound?” She sniffled as she mulled it over for a brief moment before nodding. If anyone knew what to do, it would be Aurielle and Eramaya. Maybe they'd seen something like this before in their was a strong possibility, anyway. At the mention of bunking with him at night, she froze. She felt heat rush to her face, and she slowly looked up to find him peeking back at her. Sure, they were the same height, but in her vulnerable position and curled into him for warmth and comfort, she felt significantly smaller.

She could say no...but it would be less lonely and much warmer in these trying times. Besides, she didn't think she should be alone during this trying time. Although she had her companions, it simply wouldn't be the same. And besides, what if she went back to her den to find all her fur just scattered all over the furs she slept on!? She was sure she'd break down crying all over again! She slowly nodded. "I-I think I'd like'd be for the best, especially with winter coming up...I could certainly use the company during all of this..." No way in hell was she going to feel comfortable going about her duties looking the way she did...
