
Can a frayed rope be mended?




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-15-2023, 12:42 PM
Manea's gaze lingered on Irilyth's as her lover insisted that all she wanted was for her to forgive herself and that she didn't want anything to happen to Alastor. A little frown pulled at her lips at that, but she didn't interrupt, letting Irilyth continue as she explained how she didn't want the Commander to have another reason to hate her and pointed out that nothing would upset him more than her carrying on like nothing had happened. That at least made Manea smirk since she knew that was certainly the truth. It wasn't a satisfying resolution, but she had come here wanting Irilyth to give her guidance on how to handle the situation. Just because she didn't fundamentally agree with the solution she was given didn't mean that she could disregard the answer. Her gaze refocused on the golden fae's face as she questioned what would make her feel better. A small smile pulled at her lips as she listened to Irilyth's pleas for her to tell her what would ease her mind on the matter. Chuckling softly, Manea reached her forelegs out to slip around Irilyth's sides, gently pulling her closer as she looked up at her raspberry gaze and rubbed her large paws along her lower back.

"I'm just a more vengeful creature than you are, it seems," she commented. "It just doesn't feel like enough to do nothing after what he did to you, but... if that's what you want then that's what I'll do." Still, she felt like she had to do something to make it up to Irilyth or maybe just make herself feel like she had done more to prove to Irilyth this hadn't changed anything between the two of them. Yes, Alastor was her husband and she loved him dearly, but she was more than willing to admit when he was wrong and she wouldn't blindly stand behind all of his actions. Leaning her head into Irilyth's chest, she nuzzled affectionately into her ivory fur. Maybe she couldn't lash out at Alastor the way she really desired to, but she could follow Irilyth's lead and prove to him that his actions had changed nothing and that they would continue on regardless. The thought did spark a bit of an idea in her head and a sly grin tugged at her lips as she lifted her head from her lover's chest, her gaze meeting hers again with a mischievous gleam. "Come on," she said simply with a chuckle before she easily swept Irilyth's much smaller frame onto her back, picking up the little healer and carrying her out of the den and up the sloping mountain path to their proper home.

As they crossed into the branching chambers of the cave, she strode past the alcove that was Irilyth's usual den and instead carried her back to her own bedroom. She knew Alastor would still be out for several more hours on a hunt with Saracyn so they were free and clear for her to send a message to her husband in her own way. She knew Irilyth didn't want her to punish Alastor directly, but she just couldn't resist at least getting under his skin just a bit. She gently tossed Irilyth down onto the plush bedding and rolled her onto her back as she settled her own body over hers, a sly grin on her lips as she slipped her paws under her and hugged around her waist. "You want to show him that you can just carry on like he did nothing to you? Then let's really drive that message home." She chuckled and started kissing down along her jaw and throat, a soft rumble in her chest as she started covering every inch of Irilyth's skin with gentle affections. She was still cognizant of the fact that this was the first time Irilyth would be having sex after her attack so she was still careful to avoid any of her healing wounds and she paid close attention to Irilyth's reactions to make sure she was comfortable, but she hoped that her tender, passionate love would help her relax and enjoy it.

"Manea" & "Irilyth"