
I Feel It Everyday




Master Fighter (260)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf

Dream Weaver1KThe Ooze Participant
03-15-2023, 03:16 PM
Arcturus gave Vanille a gentle squeeze in his embrace as she admitted her fear. Even if she didn't share or couldn't put into words what had caused it, he at least hoped that his presence with her helped to ease some of that. The grin she gave him as she expressed how much she cared for him in return told him that he was probably doing alright at that. All he really wanted was for her to be happy and even if he didn't exactly know what a solid, happy relationship really looked like, as long as she was happy he had to assume he was at least doing something right. He nodded quietly with a look of understanding as she admitted that she didn't know much about her father, a small frown pulling at his lips as she shared how her mother had told her that her father hadn't been ready for her. He couldn't help but wonder if that was really true or if it was just something that her mother had wanted her to think, but there was no way for them to know now. He felt like he had known his father pretty well before he was killed, but had he really? That was a topic he wouldn't let himself ponder for long, but still he wondered from time to time what his life might have been like if his father was still a part of it.

As Vanille told him how she was glad that he had found her, she pulled his thoughts away from their families, bringing his full attention back to her and to them. Their relationship and the love they were building together. It pulled a smile across his lips and he tipped his muzzle to press a kiss to her lips in response. "I am too, Vanille. I'm so glad I have you." His lips quickly returned to hers as he shared another kiss, but his lips didn't leave hers right away. He lingered there, his sapphire gaze slipping closed with a soft hum of delight as he let himself just enjoy the feeling of her lips on his and having her much smaller frame tucked into his own for a long moment. Making out with her wasn't exactly new for them. This level of affection had become familiar over the time that they had been living together as their relationship steadily grew and became more comfortable, but with the thought of taking their affections further freshly on his mind it somehow felt different as his forelegs tightened around her waist and their kiss grew more passionate the longer it went on. He had grown used to the feeling of that warmth spreading through his core sparking a deeper desire in him, but where he would usually try to ignore it and push the thoughts away, he let himself follow where that instinct and desire wanted to take him as he got swept up in the love he had for Vanille.

Without consciously making the decision, he rolled with her so that she was on his back beneath her, his larger frame resting lightly on top of hers. He continued to kiss her passionately for several more long, heated moments before he finally realized the position he had put them in and he gently pulled his lips from hers with a soft gasp, panting lightly as he blinked open his eyes to look own at her. Every instinct wanted him to keep going, to finally satisfy this long held back desire, but he hesitated and looked to her instead for direction. His broad tongue gently swiped across her chin as a quiet whine escaped him, a quiet question of whether or not she was just as ready as he was to finally take that next step in their relationship. He would wait for her forever if that's what it took if she wasn't ready, but he knew that she was the wolf he loved and he was ready to fully share that love with her if she was.

"Arc & Vanille"