
should our titles be as long as fall out boy song titles?

stargazer band group thread



Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-15-2023, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2023, 09:55 PM by Zoey. Edited 1 time in total.)
Zoey wasn’t bothered at all that they were now a band. It was a better outcome than she had thought - she could still stay with Miss Cel, Mister Oki, and Miss Cy too - as well as her new friend Ulmaria, whom she already considered a friend from their first meeting. She was quick to form friendships and attachments, particularly because she was so social. The close bond she felt with everyone in the band gave her warmth and comfort beyond measure; Zoey’s short life had been speckled by many an unfortunate event, and she truly hoped it was all behind her now. After all, the young scholar believed that, no matter what, there was no way to go but up and forward - looking to the future and the hope it brought, and not be bogged down by the sorrows of her past.

The goggled woman approached the group that had formed, a small fire blazing and snapping. The chestnut girl had skirted the ends of the desert for some more trinkets, but barely found any of notable study interest besides what appeared to be a circular item with a glas dome over it, and strange encryptions with two distinct arrows pointing to two symbols as a time (pocket’s a pocket watch). Eyes glittered with excitement, Zoey padded over to the group of familiar friends, grinning widely as she fished the relic out and sat back on her haunches, poking at it with fascination. She turned her head to greet Ulmaria with a smile, as well as Celeste and Cyanide, too. She’d heard the two women in particular hadn’t been feeling well, so she hoped she could cheer them up!

”Hi Ulmaria, Miss Cy, and Miss Cel!” She said, bushy tail sweeping behind her. It was coated in random burrs and dead leaves as her wild, cowlicked coat tended to accumulate, but she paid her own appearance no mind. She was just..happy to be here. In the company of wolves she cared about very much.


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