
not strong enough



Intermediate Intellectual (55)

Intermediate Healer (50)

7 Years

Pride - Gay (MLM)The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-16-2023, 06:42 AM
Though it'd been awhile now since Ashen had officially moved, Spirit had only really begun to really explore their new territories. Change wasn't his favorite, never had been, which was ironic considering how unstable most of his life had been. He'd just been starting to settle down in his new home when they'd upped and moved - but it wouldn't deter him too much. It wasn't like he'd really gotten to know any of his packmates yet anyway. Being social was even less easy for him than dealing with change. Not that he didn't like the company of others, he just didn't really know how to handle it most of the time.

Saddlebag draped over his shoulder, he set out to scale down the ravine. Somewhere overhead his finch friend Strawberry was singing a sweet song, clearly enthralled with spring's arrival. Though he hadn't been initially pleased they were moving further west, afraid the lands might be more desolate here, he was surprised when he started to get a good look at the ravine. This cut of earth seemed more fertile than the surrounding lands and he was eager to explore them and see what kind of plants he could find. Spirit was slow and cautious as he descended, further than he had before, intending on making a real effort of mapping out as much of the ravine as possible today.

Spirit has a female strawberry Finch companion named Strawberry, who is almost always nearby.
He also is usually wearing a saddlebag if he's away from home.

Thread Move Log
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1. not strong enough Cryer's Ravine 06:42 AM, 03-16-2023 07:42 AM, 02-17-2024