
The Dead Won't Die

Isa Large Predator



Advanced Fighter (100)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

8 Years
03-16-2023, 07:34 PM

The world slowed once more as a heavy paw lifted and swing, connecting with the girl's hip. Isa saw red. The blue woman launched herself at the bleeding bear as it stalked towards the downed pup. Jaws snapped into the side of the bears face, ridding it of the opposite eye with expertly placed precision. If the bear couldn't see the girl, it couldn't attack her. Head swinging from side to side, the cerulean fae took a chunk of the bears face with her when she pushed off.

Barely a minute after her paws touched down, Isa was airborne again. This time she bit into the sensitive, dark flesh of the bears nose. The beast groaned and shook its head, flinging her free, but she'd accomplished what she'd set out after. With the bears nose shredded, it couldn't smell them either. The hulking creature sneezed and wheezed, each breath bubbling from the holes in its throat. A beast like this wasn't easy to kill, but there was no denying that it was on the path to death.

Blind and nose-deaf, Isa turned to move towards Andromeda. With its last bit of consciousness and energy, the polar bear leaped towards the woman, its jaws wrapping around the thick fur of her scruff. With a snarl, the ursine shook the fae who squealed in its grasp, then released her. Isa went flying, crashing into one of the thick trees of the forest. As though this was its last ditch effort, the bear sank to the ground. Its body heaved for a few breaths, and then it stilled.

Isa clenched her teeth and pulled to her paws. There were punctures in the looser skin around her neck and she was bruised, but she would be fine. Once on her paws, she made her way to the young wolf's side, noting the scratches down her hip. Nosing the child, Isa helped her get to her paws. "Andy, are you alright?" Concern was etched deeply on the fae's bloodied face as she questioned the girl. They needed to make their way back home to see a healer, but if Andy couldn't walk, she would call Sirius.
