
It's like a kind of torture to have to watch the show


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
03-17-2023, 11:35 PM

She giggled and cackled with mirth when the little green booger slapped the ground and play-bowed too, announcing herself as Cricket! Anyone and everyone else might have noticed that the tiny thing was feeling anxious, especially if they read her body language, but not Medusa! Nope! She just saw an itty bitty and wanted nothing more than to scoop her up and take her away! At least she had the decency to know this Cricket wasn't a pup, however. But she was still small enough to scoop and go! That's exactly what she would have done too, if it weren't for that meddling Ghoul! He sorta stood between her and Cricket, but it didn't bother Medusa any.

Her ears perked straight up and she tilted her head upwards to stare up at Ghoul with wide eyes as he explained that Cricket needed a home and wasn't used to being around others. That she raised herself. Her gaze shot back to Cricket, her own lip quivering just slightly. She knew exactly how that was! "Cricket and Medusa will be good together! Medusa was the same way before Insomnia. Left to die in the tar pits, and had to do everything she could to survive. Now Medusa has friends, and a pack, and takes care of others!" She shot straight up into a sitting position, tail thumping on the ground as she rolled her neck and shoulders, suddenly taking on a whole other face as she put on her serious alpha act. "Where did Ghoul find Cricket? How long have Ghoul and Cricket been friends? Does Ghoul trust Cricket? Medusa asks because...well...Ghoul knows." She had no idea if his mother's other friends would try to infiltrate the pack. But then again, it's not like she had anything to hide. Insomnia wasn't exactly worth spying on unless they wanted to be witness to some...strange things...though still, her gaze wandered briefly down to Cricket again, tail thumping once or twice on the ground before she quickly returned an inquisitive look back to Ghoul.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c: