
A frozen Waste


02-06-2013, 04:18 PM
Ookami looked at Thane and smiled her tail ran up his back and she begun to move in the direction that the birds were. "So is this the right way to go?" She asked as her paws hit the ice cold ground. The wind had begun to slow down as the two begun to walk. Ookami soon lost her grip on the ice and went crashing down upon the cold floor that rested below her. It took her a few seconds to realize as to what had happened before she stood up and looked at Thane who seemed to be worried.

She smiled at him "I'm ok i just lost my balance that's all" She licked his muzzle and scanned the area once more. "Do you smell prey any where i can't seem to smell a thing" She said as she sniffed the air for some food, Ookami was hugary and she knew she hadn't eaten for a little bit but for some reason the hunger was hitting her right now. Her green eyes seemed to glaze over as she was getting tired. The day had begun to take its tole on her, the day and the events that had led them to this.