


10-21-2013, 07:49 PM

Oddity watched as they arrived, his hackles raising in fury. He could nearly laugh, if only he didn't have a small sense of dignity within him. Two different colored eyes watching the wolves as they came, picking targets; Oddity had other plans. There was one man who seemed so calm, so pulled out from the rest. The bastard was that confident in his strength? Well Oddity could easily change that, and in these moments at that. He concentrated on his chosen target, Syrinx. The bastard had the audacity to think he could win against the Armada blood line. Shooting forward the male kept his defenses in tact. Building up speed as he tried to catch him by surprise. Taking his jaws splaying them in order to attempt to sink his teeth into his right shoulder. Dirt flying behind the male as he straightened himself instantly locked, if he were to succeed he wanted to tear flesh off tear it and severe it from the man's shoulder.
Oddity's tail flailed behind him, as his toes splayed and stayed steady in the dirt. Making sure his center of gravity was pressed forward for balance throughout his body. Ears pinned to the back of his head narrowed eyes were locked on his target eagerly begging for bloodshed if he were able to land his attack. He wasn't just here to fight, he was here to maim, too destroy, and to gain some sense of dignity back into his scarred body. Oddity growled deeply, rolling his shoulders inward, trying to make it harder if he were to try and get him around his neck area. Hackles raised, this man was ready at any moment to push Syrinx to the ground if he could. Oddity tucked in his chin for further protection against whatever the brute would have to throw at him.

1/infinite FOR MAIM/EYE

Oddity v Syrinx

Attack:; Attempting to pummel into Syrinx in an element of surprise(attempt anyway). Splaying out his jaws to latch onto his right shoulder and if he succeeds to tear away flesh and fur, depending on how deep he gets.

Defense:; Eyes are narrowed, hackles raised. Toes are splayed and shoulders rolled inwards, ears pinned to the back of his head. Tail is level with spine for balance as well. Chin is tucked as well.

Injuries:; N/A
