
You belong to me forever and always

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-21-2013, 07:53 PM

Basilisk listened quietly, his eyes burning with hate that refused to leave him. It controlled him, his need for revenge, and though he had tried desperately to stifle it, it went to no avail. Perhaps he could've been a decent man. He had tried, so desperately -- Cross had been a good influence on him, but he had disappeared, not to be found again. He'd even tried to control his anger around Aegira, around Odette. They were girls so innocent, and yet all he felt in recalling meeting them was a desire he knew was too impure to speak of out loud. To manipulate them, to make them his; to destroy everything they loved and leave destruction in their wake.

Was she taunted him? Or was she serious? His gaze was guarded as he watched her, unsure of her intentions. "Why do you want to help me?" The boy asked softly. "Will you teach me?" He had the potential, but he needed guidance. Training. Needed someone to add fuel to the fire that burned inside his hollow chest.

A soft growl followed her own. It was obvious that he was growing vaguely aroused by her words. She didn't understand how badly he wanted this. Oh, what he would do to see Jupiter grovel before him and beg for her life... "Help me," he asked, his voice nearly pleading. "And I'll help you." And His head shifted, moving away from her gaze, tongue daringly sneaking out to find contact with her flesh. It was not at all strange for a boy his age to feel desire, and though it was glaringly obvious she was teasing him, egging him on -- it only make him all that much more excited that she seemed willing to help him fulfill his darker desires.