
What's The Point?




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

3 Years
Extra large

By the skin of my teeth
03-20-2023, 12:35 AM (This post was last modified: 05-01-2023, 01:05 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 1 time in total.)
ooc// Aerie would be disbanded by now I believe, so Ravage is open to potentially joining another pack though it maybe take a bit of convincing since he's new to the whole social thing outside of Aerie itself.

Aerie had been dead silent. His family was sort of around, but everyone seemed to keep to themselves for some time now. That included him, of course. His mother was aging, and he didn't know how much longer she'd have left. He had been busy helping her. Making sure she ate and didn't break a bone because in his head, elders were fragile and probably easily broke themselves if they weren't careful. His mother wasn't as agile and steady as she used to be, but all that responsibility was weighing heavy on him. Sure he wasn't one for social shit, but he wouldn't just leave his mother to struggle on her own. Especially since he hadn't seen his father in...well, he couldn't remember. Last he was aware, his father had passed away. And although his parents weren't together, his mother was following suit.

Frustrated, Ravage made his way to the battlefield in search of something to occupy himself. He had been practicing solo, never really fought against someone else. Never really left the confines of the band in a sense, he was new to the whole meeting or running into random strangers thing. He was a social recluse, but someday, he knew that would have to change.

He looked at himself in one of the ponds on the battlefield, studying the way he looked older now. But of course he was...he had reached his second birthday. Time both felt like it had been going slow, and fast. Now that he was two, he supposed it was finally time to find his own way in the world...

And to start that, he threw his head back with a howl, calling for someone to fight him.

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1. What's The Point? The Battlefield 12:35 AM, 03-20-2023 05:40 AM, 02-13-2024