
No sleep, only play!



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
03-20-2023, 02:21 PM
For the briefest of moments, Rogue thought that perhaps he was winning his mother over as she hobbled along with him tucked securely under her foreleg like a wriggly football. She even admitted that he was getting older and bigger, and they had already reduced his number of naps so he could play and explore more! But then she tried to convince him that he still needed to sleep for a little while to restore his seemingly limitless puppy energy and Rogue's hopeful expression dropped into frustrated disdain. Venom then tried to bribe him with an offer of letting him stay up to see the sunrise if he was good and behaved for his nap. The midnight-furred Klein pretended to think about the offer, humming and hawing as he tapped a tiny paw to his chin. "Hmmm, staying up late does sound fun..." he admitted, a cheeky little grin reminiscent of one much larger ruffian slowly grew across his tiny muzzle. "But y'know what else sounds fun? This!"

All of a sudden, Rogue redoubled his squirming and wriggling efforts in a last ditch attempt to break free from his mother's grasp and seize his freedom. The boy huffed and puffed as he thrashed his chubby little body around trying to slip out of Venom's hold, little legs kicking at the air like he were swimming in zero gravity. "Grrrrr... almost... got... it...!" he grunted in furious determination despite lacking any actual progress at breaking free. After a few moments of wild flailing, Rogue flopped with a heavy sigh and panting breaths, his energy reserves burned out in his failed and futile escape attempts. There was no getting away from mom. Turning his sunset gaze back up to his dam, he affixed Venom with a sweet smile and big puppy eyes like he hadn't just tried to fight his way out of her grasp, his tiny tail wagging off his rump. "Sooooo... sunrise for nap time sounds like a good deal!" And after a moment, he added, "Will you at least tell me a bedtime story? Pleeeeease?"

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.

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1. No sleep, only play! Cryer's Ravine 06:27 PM, 03-09-2023 02:53 AM, 02-13-2024