
A Mother's Love




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
03-20-2023, 11:18 PM

Manea gave a small shake of her head as Saracyn excused the time it had taken her to come see him, citing her demanding role as Matriarch as enough of an excuse. She was certainly busy, but she never wanted to be too busy for her children. She had thought often about coming to see him and had even begun to do so several times, but had stopped herself. Trying to give them what she had thought they needed or would want had only driven them away so she had stepped back to allow them to find their own way. It seemed that had been the best call she had made in all of this as she watched the genuine smile cross his lips. All she had ever really wanted was for him and his siblings to be happy and it seemed that right now at least he was truly happy. What had brought him that happiness wasn't fully known to her–though she knew more than Saracyn probably thought she did–but that didn't matter right now. She hadn't seen Saracyn smile like this since he was a pup so it warmed her heart regardless of its source.

She smiled as her son expressed how he was glad for the time she had given him and the things it had allowed him to figure out. "That's wonderful, Sara. I'm really happy to hear that." While Avacyn had avoided discussing things on her brother's behalf, she had mentioned the struggle Saracyn had felt around being a male in their family. It was a fairly common feeling she had heard from her various brothers, cousins, and uncles. It was understandable, though she had hoped she had done what she could to make Saracyn feel just as valued and important as his sister. She understood that was a difficult thing to do when Avacyn was on the path to leading their pack and family in a role that had been passed down for generations, but it seemed like Saracyn was finally finding his footing and that made her happy. She leaned over to press a motherly kiss to his cheek, saying, "I'm just glad you're happy, darling." As she sat back once more, she gave him a curious look as she asked, "Tell me more about these revelations. What kind of perspective and importance have you figured out?"

Manea | Temno | Ciemny