
The Bugles of War Are to Be Heard!!!



5 Years
Extra large
10-21-2013, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 10:17 PM by Taurig.)

Tortuga was safe. His pack was safe. Glaciem wasn't coming to attack them; not yet at least. But as for Valhalla and Seracia, that was another story. He knew Seracia wasn't directly involved in the war, but given that they were allies with Valhalla, it was more than likely that they would send some reinforcements along to aid the Valhallans and rightly so. They would need all the help they could get. Taurig would've been at the scene to fight alongside Chrysanthe with a few warriors, but he didn't want to put his growing pack in jeopardy. He was just getting to a good spot with his pack and he didn't want to ruin it by involving them in a war that he had nothing to do with. Plus, he didn't know what his warriors were capable of. He didn't want to send them into a war where they could possibly not come out alive from.

But just because he wasn't a part of the war didn't mean that he could sleep with ease, or walk in comfort for that matter. The cobalt King sat atop his perch, dark brows furrowed deeply over icy eyes as he gazed in the direction of Valhalla. What was going on with them? Had the war started already? Had Glaciem annihilated them? Question after question would file through the King's head as he observed his surroundings. He had promised to Valhalla that he would be there to support them in the war with his warriors; part him hoped that they wouldn't call for him and his people, but he knew they would. There was no way that they wouldn't call for any available bodies. He just hadn't expected it so soon.

An unfamiliar call rung out across from his borders, catching the King's attention. Someone was at his borders and it sounded important. Taurig was quick to descend from his perch, ebony limbs pulling the titan towards the source of his call. Gitan, one of his hunters, was already present to greet the dark man who was accompanied by a bird. The man smelled of Valhalla and the King's stomach knotted; the war. What news do you bring messenger? He would give a brief nod to Gitan before turning his attention back to the man, needing to know what was going on with Valhalla.

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