
Making (fr)enemies wherever I go

Hermes <3



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (100)

2 Years
Extra large

Critical Attack!
03-21-2023, 03:53 PM

Malico is excited because he is on an adventure. When his mother, Manea, had invited him out to the towering red forest to do some hunting, the pup had readily agreed. On their way to the hunting grounds, the pair had stopped for a break at the crumbling stone structure that resembles. Manea had allowed the boy to explore a little way off from her and that is exactly what he is doing. Paws poke at the stones that make up the wall, musing silently over who might have stacked them and why. Neck cranes back as he takes in the towering height, curiosity pulling him along the crumbling length.

A scent reaches his nostrils and Mal pauses in his steps, lifting his head slightly to pull in a deeper breath. It is a wolf, young like he is, and not too far off. A smirk wiggles his lips as he goes into ‘hunt’ mode, crouching low and slinking along the ground toward where the stranger is. He stays downwind, cautious of where he places his paws so that he does not disturb the pebbles and alert the pup of his approach. Soon, the pink form of a pup appears and Malico stalks forward. Ears pin back to his head as a smirk pulls at his lips, readying to ‘attack’ the pup.

Hoping that he has gone unnoticed, Malico springs up to his paws and races to where the pup is, stopping short to dart out a paw and attempts to lightly tap the pup’s back right hip. Loudly, happily, he exclaims, “TAG!” A grin is on his maw as he steps back, tail lazily wagging behind him as he looks at the stranger, eager to find out who the pup is.

"Malico Mendacium"