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"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
03-22-2023, 05:09 AM
Alright so this… was a bit of a long time coming, unfortunately. Bear with me guys! I’m not quitting by any means, but for the health of the site and hopefully kicking my ass into gear with posting I am cutting down on overall character count. I love all my characters, and if it was possible I wouldn’t part with any of them! Sadly, times and circumstances change… and it is just not viable nor fair to have this many characters and have threads sitting for weeks or a month+.

When I first got the majority of these kids / brought them in I had all the time in the world. Wasn't working, barely went out, etc. I also had a character binge because I had a couple months of very good mental health and I felt confident I could handle them all. Well, health decided to do a table flip and I'm still battling that, as I often do, as well as my physical health. On top of that I now have a job, and while it is a healthy and positive work environment I am still adjusting. Going from getting as much sleep as you want (8-10+ hours a day) to making your body accept it will get 5-7 hours and like it is… a jump. I'm constantly tired but if I were to try and get more sleep I wouldn't have any time when I got home at all. Such is the dilemma of working 8-4:30pm Monday-Friday and riding the bus.

So yes, character cuts are in order! I will be bringing in one puppy after this cut (as they have been planned / a mild inkling since Asena and I brought in Baecette) and that will be it for a long while. All other pending/ planned characters are on hold as well. I want to get the kids I am keeping back up to snuff before for a couple months before I even consider one more after that.

Alaois - Being inactivated.

Alexander - Keeping, but possibly lower priority for now.

Beauregard - Keeping.

Bellamy - Keeping, highest priority. My activity as an alpha the past couple months has been ass and I need to fix that pronto. I didn't fight for Bells to get Ethne just to let the pack die.

Charlton - Keeping.

Elowen - Keeping.

Florian - Being inactivated.

Gavroche - Keeping.

Kaitlyn - Being inactivated.

Lucette - Keeping.

Memento Mori - Being inactivated. One of the harder ones to say farewell to. I love Meme, and adore the Hallows. I will be reaching out to Joe about the nature of her leaving "IC" as Meme would not simply abandon the pack. Time and muse allowing, I would love for her to return someday.

Morbid - Name/Adopt being given back to Bird, account pending deletion. Design was my own and is staying with me. Was an exciting character concept but alas I do not have the time to dedicate to him that he deserves. I hope you can find someone who can!

Morticia - Keeping.

Nguruvilu - Being inactivated.

Nirvana - Keeping.

Rivin - Keeping.

Sanctus - Being inactivated.

Specter - Being inactivated.


Inactivating: Alaois, Florian, Memento Mori, Nguruvilu

Deleting / Returning: Morbid, Kaitlyn, Specter, Sanctus

Keeping: Bellamy, Alexander, Beauregard, Charlton, Elowen, Gavroche, Morticia, Nirvana, Rivin, Baecette