
Spare the Sympathy


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
03-22-2023, 11:45 AM

After gathering a few herbs and a bandage, keeping Talyssa's mention of how it hurt in mind in her selections, she turned back toward the young girl and walked over to the near by cot she had chosen. Talyssa was still small enough that she could use the cot itself as a surface for her supplies and didn't have to pull over one of the small tables she kept around for such things. After she placed the small roll of bandages and a pair of small pots down, she turned her lavender and sage gaze toward the bite again. Now that she was more up close with the wound, she could get a better sense of what had already been done. It obviously wasn't a dire wound by any means, but even a little scratch could become a problem if it became infected. It seemed like someone had already made a rudimentary effort at treating the bite, which was certainly better than nothing, but it clearly didn't come from her or any of the Hallow's trained healers.

"Lets get you something for the pain before I start messing with this," she said after a brief moment of examination, lifting her gaze to Talyssa's with a soft smile. She lifted one of the jars and pulled off the cork lid, revealing the dark mixture that smelled of berries. She used the small, wooden spoon that hung from the jar to scoop out a dose of it, holding it up for Talyssa to eat. "Just some meadowsweet and boneset extracts mixed into mashed elderberries for the pain and to help boost your immune system," she explained and then grinned a little as she leaned in like she was telling her niece a secret, adding softly, "and some honey to make it taste good." Chuckling softly, she let Talyssa take her medicine and then recovered the jar, putting it aside as she started unrolling the bandage and mixing the contents of the second jar while she waited for the pain relieving aspects of her medicine to take effect. "How'd you end up with that?" she questioned curiously with a small nod to the bite.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"